Exhibitions / Expositions


Paris - Exposition EAST/WEST - Graine de Photographe

ARLES - Galerie Ephémère - EAST /WEST avec Cédric Roux


Voyageurs du Monde Library, Paris: "Segredos du Portugal"


Leica Store Porto, Portugal: "Segredos du Portugal"


​Gallery Le Lac Gelé, Nîmes: Paysages américains du concours "This is (not) America

Gallery Rastoll, Paris: Urbanitas 8 - Etrange Carnaval

La Place des Photographes, Arles: Etrange Carnaval

Street Photo Milano: ” Chien à Monument Valley"

Key West Festival: "Chien à Monument Valley"

History Miami Museum: "Chien à Monument Valley"


History Miami Museum & Art Basel Week Miami

Salon de la Photo, Paris: This is (not) America

Raw Street Gallery, Rotterdam: Strange Carnival


History Miami Museum & Art Basel Week Miami

Festival Barrobjectif, Collectif Regards Croisés, correspondance visuelle

Festival Street Photography, Paris: Collectif Regards Croisés, "Asian series"

Gallery Rastoll, Paris: Urbanitas 5: Asian Series​​

Exhibition "Flash!", Carpe Diem, Paris


​History Miami Museum & Art Basel Week Miami

Gallery Rastoll, Paris: "Beaugrenelle, série noire"​

Art Gallery Europe: "Foules hurlantes et Ex-Villes nouvelles"

Festival l'Oeil Urbain, Corbeil-Essonne : "Ex-Villes Nouvelles"

Gallery InBetween, Paris: "Coney Island"

Barclays Bank, Paris: "Asian Series"


​Festival de la Photo, Off, Le Touquet

2nd Night of Contemporary Photography, Paris: "Beaugrenelle Noire"

Autumn Fair of Invalides, Paris: "Hong Kong Lines"

International Fair of Photography, Bièvres: "Coney Island, Hong Kong Lines"

Leica Store Paris Hausman: " So Us "

1st Night of Contemporary Photography, Paris: "Coney Island"



Publication Zine EAST/WEST avec Cédric Roux


EYESHOT Magazine: Mention Honorable pour la série “American Decorum”

Auto-édition des Archives personnelles au format 20x25


Book : "La photo de rue par l'exemple", KnowWare Edition

EYESHOT Magazine "Street Fashion"

Book : "Segredos du Portugal", Collective book


​LFI (Leica Fotografie International) #6.2018

Paris Photography Fair

Conference "Street Photography" for Compétence Photo Magazine

Compétence Photo Magazine

Article "Street Photography", 26 pages

Leica Camera Blog

"Exporing the Last Remaining American Symbols"

Fisheye Magazine: editor's choice


​The Eye of Photography

The Edge of Humanity Magazine

LFI (Leica Fotografie International) #3.2017


​Workshop Leica Store Paris

"Artistic approach on Street Photography"

Flint Magazine, "Ex-Villes nouvelles"

Magazine Le Monde De La Photo #87, "Un jour Une Photo"

Interview Photography, psychology and urban sociology

EPIC-STORIES, selection #33


​International New York Times: "Ex-Villes Nouvelles"


​Magazine Flash! #8 - Hong Kong Lines